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Alexander Ollig

Alexander Ollig grew up in Mönchen-Gladbach and studied Modern and Older German literature at RWTH Aachen. In 1986, he completed his master's degree with a thesis on the protestant clergyman and author Johann Rist. He then joined ZDF working for more than two decades in various roles.  As an editor at ZDF he was responsible for television series and serials. In 2009, he joined Bavaria as executive producer.  In the same year, his novel "Im falschen Augenblick" was published by Bastei Lübbe. He also wrote theatre plays such as the comedy "Blumen und andere Nettigkeiten." His plays have been performed in various theatres in Germany.

Alexander Ollig
Executive Producer



The Rosenheim Cops Publikumspreis der Goldenen Kamera Beste Heimatserie
The Rosenheim Cops Bayerischer Poetentaler